Baby Daddy (2022)

Baby Daddy (2022) with scroll framing by Anthony Le

Anthony Le
Baby Daddy

Acrylic on canvas with scroll framing
44 x 30.5 in
112 x 77 cm

“Baby Daddy” is a daydream about a world where men can carry children to term with a synthetic womb. With the Supreme Court overturning Roe, it felt relevant to ask men to imagine what it would be like to have a child. I leave it to the imagination to also determine why this synthetic womb was invented. The why allows people to imagine the societal changes required for this technological invention to occur. This device is inspired by Deborah Czeresko’s M-BITO robot.

"Baby Daddy" at Transformer (DC | 2023) | Photo by Anthony Le
"Baby Daddy" at Transformer (DC | 2023) | Photo by Anthony Le
Le's paintings and Williams' sculptures at Legacy DC Gallery (2022) | Jerome Thomas
Le's paintings and Williams' sculptures at Legacy DC Gallery (2022) | Jerome Thomas