Night of 1000 Fridas Animations

Sunflowers Projection for Night of 1000 Fridas

Night of 1000 Fridas

The Night of 1000 Fridas was a world-wide celebration of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo on January 25, 2019. I participated with two projected animations at Ten Tigers Parlour in Washington, DC. My projections were awarded 3rd place in Washington, DC, by a juried panel of the Mexican Cultural Institute, Kate Gorman of the Awesome Foundation, and artist Courtney Granner.

Sunflowers Projection for Night of 1000 Fridas
Sunflowers projection for Night of 1000 Fridas. Left to Right: Anthony Le, Ashley Jaye Williams, Todd Carter

Projected animation. 2019

For this projection, I expanded upon my painting, Sunflowers. I enlarged the pattern of sunflowers and digitally drew the flowing scarf. The projection gained a flag-like quality due to the size and bold colors. People who came to the event enjoyed taking photos in front of the projection including the event’s organizer Todd Carter.

Self Portrait at the Boarder Projection for Night of 1000 Fridas
Self Portrait at the Boarder Projection for Night of 1000 Fridas

Self Portrait Along the Boarder
Projected animation. 2019

Self Portrait Along the Boarder Line Between Mexico and the United States is a painting by Frida Kahlo, made in 1932. I found great relevance in this piece almost 90yrs later, so I digitally animated it to emphasize the cultural differences between the two countries.